The Driving Theory Test book a theory test
The DVSA driving theory test is available at various test centres around the country, the local centre to myself is situated in Four Oaks next to the train station. The theory test is computer based, and costs are currently £23.00 per sit for a car. You may sit the test as many times as is necessary in order to achieve the pass mark, each time you sit the test you must pay the sit fee.

Important! - You need to pass the theory test before you can book and take a practical test.

The theory test is broken down into two sections as below:-

A. Multiple choice element
  • There is a 15-minute practice session you can work through before starting the tests.
  • This section is designed to test your understanding of the theory behind driving.
  • You have just under an hour to complete the questions.
  • There are 50 randomly selected, multiple-choice questions and you need to get at least 43 right to pass.
B. Hazard Perception Test
  • This forms a second section of the theory test and must be passed at the same time.
  • There are 14 videos, each about a minute long.
  • This section is designed to tests your awareness of potential hazards whilst driving.
  • The videos feature various types of hazard, such as road conditions, vehicles and pedestrians.
  • The earlier you spot a hazard developing that may require the driver to take some action, the higher the score.
  • There are 15 score able hazards in the test and candidates can score up to 5 points on each hazard.
  • The pass mark is 44 out of 75.
Remember once passed your theory certificate is only valid for a maximum of two years, you must complete and pass your practical test within this time period or you will be required to re-take a new theory test.
To book a Test book a theory test
Telephone: 0300 200 1122
Click for the official DVSA website
Ask me and I can book it for you.